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Fm8 Ritma Tallava Virtuales Caligrafia Iberica Mspaint Trailers amojan




Steps 1. Convert XAML to code. Steps 2. Set additional UWP Core Interop assemblies by using linker settings. Steps 3. Run the MSPaint application. -- Steps 4. Set the visual representation of the application by using a resource file. Steps 5. Right-click the application’s shortcut and select “Open file location”. Steps 6. Drag the file “MainWindow.xaml” into your solution and set its Build Action to “Page”. Steps 7. Drag and drop the file “Paintbrush” into your solution. Set its Build Action to “Resource”. Steps 8. Drag and drop the file “Paintbrush.xaml” into your solution. Set its Build Action to “None”. Steps 9. Steps 10. Open your MSPaint application. Steps 11. Open Paintbrush.xaml in the Visual Studio File Explorer and change its Content to the following: [ContentProperty(Name = "brush")] public class Paintbrush : DependencyObject { public Brush Brush { get; set; } public string BrushName { get; set; } public BrushAttributes BrushAttributes { get; set; } public string BrushValue { get; set; } public string BrushUrl { get; set; } public string BrushUri { get; set; } } Steps 12. Edit Paintbrush.xaml. Steps 13. Delete the following two lines from the file: Steps 14. Save the file and run the application. You should see the MSPaint application with the brushes which you have added to the XAML. Steps 15. To set a visual representation of the application by using a resource file, add a canvas control to the



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